11 Efficiency Test To Run On The Leather Dyestuffs

Leather dye is a blend of chemicals and dyes used to colour leather.

Spirit or alcohol-based dyes are commonly used in leather dyeing because the alcohol immediately permeates into soaked leather. Lacquer compositions are similar to leather colouring formulations.

A dye or pigment, a protein isolate or nitrocellulose resin, and a solvent are all incorporated.

The sorts of dyestuff utilised by the leather industry fluctuate based on the product spectrum required as well as the trend world’s mandates. Each tannery is known to use between 50 and 100 different types of dyestuffs.

The fat-soluble components of traditional leather dyes are released from their chemical linkages when subjected to elevated heat. These components are now migrating higher into the strata whose function is to give the leather surface a flawless finish. This results in a noticeable shift in colour and sharpness. So as humidity rises, non-permanent colours that are water-soluble and have a low molecular weight are more prone to be washed off. Along with bleeding and discolouration, there are other issues to consider. There’s also the possibility that dye components that migrate will scrape into other substances like plastics or fabrics.

The creation and production of high-fastness dyes have reached the pinnacle of leather dyeing technology. For the production of leather goods, businesses now have access to high-quality leather.

Alliance Organics LLP is the leading manufacturer of high-quality leather dyes, which are known for their extremely efficient colouring and long-lasting effects. The given product is made using high-quality ingredients and contemporary technology, and it gives a high level of effectiveness. This high-quality product, which we offer in the market at a very low price, is in high demand.


  • Effective performance that lasts a longer
  • Build up using High-quality ingredients
  • Highly – efficient

Assessment guidelines for testing the colour fastness of dyed leather

The following are some of the tests used to determine the colour fastness of coloured leather.

  • Colour Fastness towards dispersion into plasticized Poly Vinyl Chloride.
  • Colour fastness in the ability to light a typical Xenon bulb.
  • Resilience to mild washing.
  • Colour fastness to competence to wash clothes in a machine.
  • Colour fastness in the case of sweating.
  • Fastness to friction test.
  • Colour fastness in a moistened condition.
  • Efficiency in terms of water seeping
  • To determine colour change and staining, use the greyscale test.
  • Dissolving potential of Power dyes.
  • Dye permanence in the presence of – Acid, Alkali and Hard water.

ALLIANCE ORGANICS LLP is a major supplier of Acid Dyestuffs in the Leather Industry.

Acid Black 210, Acid Black 234, and Acid Black 194 are their strong and effective products.

Besides Acid Blacks, they also produce potent tones in Acid Browns.